Mr Price – Are you serious!

It’s not difficult to understand the South African economy and political situation in the country are both at an all time low at the moment. Consumers are squeezed with wallets carrying far less cash than a few years ago. The writing for retail is on the wall with red flags waving all around us.

National chains closing stores, empty shops in malls,  customers shopping down and buying less items. On top of this we have an invasion into our own back yard from big business such as H&M.

Yet some local retailers just make absolutly no effort to take your cash from you, even although you are standing in a que with cash in hand waiting to hand over a bunch of notes.

Recently in Tygervalley Mr Price Home, I wanted to buy an item and went to the point of sale to pay. The que had 8 to 10 customers all with product in thier hands waiting to pay.


The cash counter had 8 point of sale terminals all unmanned except for two. Five staff behind the cash desk but only two terminals open the other three staff members behind the counter were passing the day away and definately avoiding eye contact with any would be customer.



Mr Price is desperately trying to come back from a very disappointing financial years results. Every single sale is high priority to secure the cash and rebuild the business. Unfortunately no one has informed the staff or store management, as they have absolutly zero interest if the customer completes the transaction or in frustration walks out of the store leaving the merchandise and lost profit behind.

So sad when you have people wanting to buy your product but the business can’t secure the sale. Then to top the customer experience if you do manage to make a purchase, a security guard stops you as you leave the store and demands to check your invoice against the items in your packet, treating you like a common thief. (Never happens at H&M)


Are customers not your biggest asset and should you not be treating them with the utmost respect.

enjoy your shopping but not at Mr Price.

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